
A tiny new year resolution

A Happy New Year !
I hope you have a great new year and fun with family and loved one.
My new year's day is not so special but more quiet than any other years.
I made up my mind to save time and energy more efficiently this year.
First....to walk as often as possible without using a car.
Second....to possess as little as possible,not to buy useless things nor buy things immediately.
Third....to throw away disuse things, clothes,books, tapes and books from my room, first of all.
I want to be as light as feather so as to fly. My first dream at the new year's night would be flying like a bird.

2 件のコメント:

  1. A Happy New Year.
    Small determination, I think so, too.
    It was the contents which I recommended to my wife from last year.
    I showed your three major determination, my wife it.
    I think that it is very important.
    I pray for that you can continue it.

  2. Thanks for your encouragement!
    I will try my best to make my goal completed.


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