
Where is spring?

I was very excited to see the first day of spring, today.... but it's incredible much snow falling in the morning!
Not like yesterday white world covers in my eyes, feel like going back to winter again.
We are all disgusting with snow and coldness.....but I know spring is near here around just being postponed by something annoyance.
Let me think positive and not to take it badly. I'm confident with my lovely friend Nature. He behaves how he needs. I will never hate natural things.

2 件のコメント:

  1. The Japanese song 'Sohshunfu' said,'Though I've heard that today is spring, the wind is so cold!' The ancient people also felt the same, didn't they?

  2. That's what I had remembered this morning!
    I supposed to write about that song ' though it's the spring in the calendar the wind is still cold' .
    May be tomorrow I will take the issue of it.


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