
In the dark

Why do they go to the battle field?

7 件のコメント:

  1. I think until now for us(Japanese),terrorism
    was put off as concern of ours.
    Global has both things good and bad.
    But I wonder Japanese companies have to fight
    for surviveing in the world.
    I wish no terrorism and incidents in the world.

    1. Things are the worst and hell in the battle field. But we believe to find out the good solution to solve the problems. Destruction and murder in the battle make no profit, think about the family and lived one you can't kill people as long as being sane.

    2. sorry to correct the mistake
      lived one ー loved one

  2. This incident was a sad thing really badly.
    Such a terrorist act should not be allowed even if there is any great cause.
    This is a serious crime and terrorists are murderers.
    It is a hard fact that currently terrorist incidents have occurred frequently in the world but there is no effective means to prevent this.
    Although in globalized world, the extent of the disparities and differences in values ​​have diversified increasingly, I hope that will be resolved as soon as possible by collecting wisdom of leaders around the world.

    1. I've heard that the poor and innocent children were made the terrorists. Their aim is coup d'état.
      I hope many poor innocent children could equally have a chance of education, which is the urgent policy in those world.

    2. In the long term, I think it must be subjected to a fair and universal education to all children who will lead the next generation, too.
      However, in reality, there are a fact that in some countries and ethnic and religious、 it has been deliberately induced education directed to the wrong or unfair direction.
      Therefore、I think that there is a need to mobilize efforts of worldwide leaders including eliminating their leaders、in some cases, to correct such leaders correctly.

    3. Before we are born
      We have no name, no color nor countries.
      We originally had just pure life without greed.


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