
The flower this morning

I bought a flower pot of three lilies bunch from the gardening market, which is going to close on a bargain sale a week ago.
They were piled in a narrow space not so well treated because the store was at the last minute sale.
I chose one of the pots with three buds but they were thin.
I wondered if they could be out of buds. I tried to replant them into the planter with leaf mold and compost. I took a good care of them.
Finally it took a week to come out the blooms. I'm looking forward to seeing their lovely smile one by one.

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1 件のコメント:

  1. I like lily the most, I always bought them in Chinese New Year instead of other New Year plant because they are relatively cheaper, last longer and have great lovely fragrance. Love the aroma so much ! ^^


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