
Special event in summer

There was an annual fire work event in a small town.
I happened to go by the area where the fire works could be seen in the dark sky. They were kinds of art works both visual and audio.
Not only the thundering sound of the fire works but the singing songs by the frogs in the rice field. It was funny and easy seeing and hearing on the midsummer night but it was cool like in early autumn outside.

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2 件のコメント:

  1. I'm looking forward to watching the fire works show on August 1.
    Every year I watch the show with thinking of the air raid in Toyama. This year I will watch them with praying for people got disaster by the big earthquake,too.

  2. I've heard that the fire works orgined from the mourning for the dead in the war.
    Each fire work flies and explodes significantly in their lives.
    So make wishes to those souls being safe and sound.


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