
An attractive love song

Listening to the song on the radio in a car, I was very touched with both music and lyrics.
It was familiar because of the song being used in a drama 'Jin'.
I wanted to listen to it more often, finally found this video on Youtube.
But most of this songs were deleted to protect the copy write.
It will soon disappear, instead I
should buy the tune but not on the itunes yet! Better buy CD?
Anyway, let you try to listen.
'Those Days I loved'

4 件のコメント:

  1. I've watched the first version of this drama and like it very much, will watch the final version when I finished with the Korean drama I'm watching now. Think the final vesion will be good too, like both the leading actor and actress, all those support and guest stars were very out standing too !!

  2. Wow! You watched the first version Jin, so cool!
    Actually I didn't watch it but the final version only.
    It was fantastic and kind of sorrowful but beautiful human love.

  3. The first version was very good and kind of great idea to do surgery in the Edo period ^^

  4. I want to play this song but it seems very difficult even to sing ….can't get the code. I'm listening to this song very often and play the piano without music.
    I need musical score someday.


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