
9 bad habits to make you unhappy

There are 9 bad habits to make you unhappy in the lists.
We tend to do some of them unconsciously and feel bad after that.
Please notice and care about them if you need.

1. Talking of people's gossips.
It's kind of too curious for nothing.

2. Negative thinking
You should better be positive and optimistic.

3. Comparing with others
You don't have to compare with others but live busy with yourself.

4. Caring about how you look
It's important to see yourself what you are but you don't have to too much care how you look or being evaluated by others.

5. Being furious or feeling grudge
It's not healthy but stressful to be in the mood. Forget it and what done is done. You should find the better future.

6. Never listen to others
It's said everything except myself is a teacher. You will know better than now if you open mind to others.

7. Too much expectation
It will kill you if you expect a lot to others. It's better you promise yourself.

8. Too much thought
You'd better think a little and hope big and act responsibly.

9. To live in the past
You can't live back when you were young so you should look forward to making your history.

9 bad habits

6 件のコメント:

  1. Today's topic is an interesting!
    I'm maybe No.8. Because I'm too much thought.
    By the way, This year's Nobel prise in physics laureates are decided to three people of Japanese.
    The Japanese really great!!
    I felt again that we can send a useful life by the discovery and invention of someone.
    Change the subject. I had thought total lunar eclipse yesterday.
    But, it seems tonight! I hope to watch it!!

    1. Today is blessed fine day and tonight is to be wonderful night for the eclips. We are so lucky!

  2. As for the cause and effect,
    I am conscious in daily life and must live
    I want a habit on

    I watch total eclipse of the moon now!

  3. Today's blog is very interesting theme, isn't it?
    In my case, all items are likely to apply when I ask myself looking back on the past.
    But, I think most items don't fall to me now beyond 70 years old.

    By the way, today was a total lunar eclipse of the full moon.
    There was a little cloud and the moon was hidden sometimes, but I was able to observe with the naked eye and take video until total lunar eclipse from start lacks.

    1. It's sorry to the beginning of the lunar eclipse but now it's so clear to be seen.


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