
Fine day

It's finally a fine day coming back after a couple of cold days.
It seems a present from the nature for all the living things.
Nothing doesn't hate the sunshine warmth except bats such as being nocturnal.

I found pretty autumn on my way walking my dog.
It was colorful and lovely day in fall.

8 件のコメント:

  1. Daughter was come back to take a rest after of one year.
    But, because she will return back today we went Shomyo waterfall yesterday.
    Autumn leaves were still, but, there is gas and could not see the whole unfortunately.
    But, waterfall's water also much, could to see Hannoki waterfall and some small waterfall in addition.
    We had a fun time.

    1. Great pleasure with your daughter in autumnal fall !

  2. Today is really a pleasant climate of fine autumn day.
    I also went to the Inari park at walking of the morning as usual. The leaves of the trees here also are beautifully colored in yellow or red.
    I am doing practice of English speech contest seeing the majestic Tateyama mountain range and beautiful fall foliage on top of a hill in the park.

    1. Wow...that's great!
      You're on the top of the world!

  3. It's good weather today!
    The pain of the body softenned,I went hot spring foot bath neardy
    It seems to take it a little more to be completely cured,But think to sound it little bylittle

    1. Good to hear that!
      Hope you'll be okay !

  4. It was fine and warm today.
    I saw the sharp outline of mountains against the sky.
    The leaves of the persimmon near the front door have turned yellow and red, and falls from the tree .
    I clean there everyday,but there is alway dirty with leaves.
    I hope all leaves fall early.

    I went to the DIY stores.
    The flowers blooming in winter and spring were sold.
    Cyclament, Pansy,Christmas rose,Holiday cactus,Primrose,Ornamental cabbage, etc....
    I will buy some of flowers,and enjoy my life with them in desolate winter .

    1. I can understand what's on your mind.
      Beauty can't stand without effort behind....beautiful leaves get dirty and garbage and someone has to clean.


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