
WHO report

It's announced that processed meat such as hot dogs, ham and bacon raises the risk of colon cancer and that consuming other red meats “probably” raises the risk as well. But the increase in risk is so slight that experts said most people should not be overly worried about it.
I don't usually eat meat so often but twice or three times a week. I try to eat more fish and vegetables more often because of my condition is much better than eating meat. So I understand what its report saying and don't want to eat especially processed food never often so much so on.
WHO report

4 件のコメント:

  1. In recent years in Japan, it is said that colon cancer is a tendency to increase in Japan by the westernization of the meal.
    Son couples and grandchildren in my home prefer a menu of meat, too.
    But, my wife and I prefer the old-fashioned root vegetables and fish than the menu of meat.
    Therefore the wife managing a kitchen has a hard time with an everyday menu very much.
    By the way, my father do not eat meat so much, but he died of colon cancer.
    I also do not eat meat so much, but there seems to be the risk that I become colon cancer by hereditarily, too.

    By the way, today I will join OB meeting of company and go to the hot spring in 2 days and 1 night.

    1. I hope you are not afraid of your hereditary disease but every one has in the gene originally.
      We can live as long as we are necessary and disappear when we are no use for. Enjoy as much as possible!

  2. because I don't like meat very much, there is few chance to eat.
    I sometimes eat grilled pork with ginger in the summer.
    When I prepare the meat dishes for husband, I eat vegetable.

    By the way,
    I went the dentist in the morning. I had went to that dentist more than 20 years.
    Now, It was the generation of the daughter, and her English is very well.
    So there are many foreigner's patients. I hear her good English hard.

    1. As long as eating cooked by yourself is safer than processed one. But I wonder why red meat causes diseases and what red meat is!


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