
Fair and Just

I often heard the word ' Fair and Just ' from some politicians who replied at the interview after the election yesterday.
I wondered what the word in kanji character " Zeze Hihi " means.
It explains that judging what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong or calling spade a spade.

They are responsible for their words and behavior. Being good representative of people, they are expected to work a lot, never forget the first wish.
We need a right person to lead us in peace and prosperity.

4 件のコメント:

  1. This election has resulted in the completely changed from before.
    However, the election was repeated several times here of such change.
    I think the Japanese national strength has declined at each that time.
    We want all legislators should act in " Zeze Hihi " this time round in order to rebuild Japan.

    1. All we need a decided and steady minded leader not a zombie who was rejected but survived narrowly.

    2. There are many difficult thing in our country.
      I hope Japan go to stand on self-help.
      Of course I wish goverment leader should need to guard our life.
      But I understand necessity that we have to think on one`s own.

    3. I understand what you mean. We should see and find the right way by ourselves as well as being responsible for our future children.


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