
Medical and nursing care rank

What about ranking of medical and nursing care in each area in Japan?
This is the whole map in all Japan according to the survey on medical and nursing care facility.
It's different between urban and local cities or big population and small ones.
I'm not sure whether this rate covers the rich life because cared long life is not always happy ending but healthy and lively life at home would be better.
Though as I get old I feel uneasy with my healthy status, I wish I could walk by myself until the end.
Medical & nursing care rank

4 件のコメント:

  1. This ranking attached in blog is very interesting, isn't it?
    Medical care rank in Toyama City where we live is 6 (substantial), but we are worry that nursing care rank will be 4 (lack) to the future.
    However, I think nursing care environment of current Toyama City is considerably high from nursing care experience of died mother six years ago.

    By the way, I was sorry to be absent from the lecture of today.
    I was a little cold feeling from a few days ago, but it seems to have at once exacerbated in yesterday's tooth extraction.
    I'm going to rest slowly during the three consecutive holidays from tomorrow.

    1. Sorry to hear that!
      I hope you'll be getting better in the weekend.

  2. In recent year, it is difficult to greet the last of the life where oneself at the place lived area until now.
    It's the generation to think about how to greet the last of my life.

    By the way,
    Tomy is active, and a volunteer spirit is large person.
    Though I can't go to the speech contest for support, I have send a heartfelt cheer!

    1. We are not knowing when and where we are gone but someday somewhere is decided.


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