
Risk of heart disease

It's reported one of the way to avoid heart diseases.
According to Swedish study low sugar prevents to have heart failures.
Of course we know that taking daily can of sweet drink or spots drink make people obesity and diabetes easily . We've been much careful to focus on children or younger generation.
While this report tells for middle-aged and elderly men, so the results cannot be generalised to the overall population and both genders.
Anyway this is alarming for the sugary drink would be cautious to be taken for all generation.
Risk of heart disease

4 件のコメント:

  1. Though I don't understand in detail, don't too much take the sugar, it will be say?
    My husband likes sweet tast. So, I use the brown sugar. brown sugar also wonder the same?

    By the way,
    I got a viola, pansy and leaf button from a friend. And I put it in a planter.
    At the same time, I was cut some twigs of rose and chrysanthemum of the planter.
    Because I don't know how to cut, I wonder flowers bloom again next year?

    1. Well...you're a good wife to care about your husband. Hopefully he'll be okay with your good deed.
      Flowers will also bloom for your good care.

  2. Long time ago, I was drinking several coca-cola every day in the summer day.
    It contains a lot of sugar in coca-cola, doesn't it?
    Surely, I think that such a habit was not good for health.
    However, I don't almost drink coca-cola now because I got old.

    By the way, I was pulled out one tooth in the dentist's office today. But, there are still currently 27 teeth. I want to keep the 8020.

    1. That's good for you having more than 20 teeth and you'll keep it " 8020" surely.


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